Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I used to think that Tuesdays were the most underwhelming day of the week. I mean, Tuesday, it's not Monday (which we all dread as the start of the work week), it's not Wednesday, the porverbial hump day, and it's not Thursday or Friday which signify the end of the week and start of the weekend... it's not really note worthy on it's own at all. Right? Wrong. Now, it's SnB night for me at Make1 (my LYS) and that means an entire night to myself. Sigh. Except for last week and now it looks like this week may be a miss as well.
Why? Because I have an exam to write. Yes, you heard me right. An exam. Why? Because just before I became pregnant, I decided to take another degree and signed up for distance learning which (if I passed the courses, would be paid for by my work). Of course, if I don't pass, work doesn't pay, and I am out about $550.00 for the course. So, here I am, long story short, cramming for an exam that will happen in 2 days. Dumb? Yes. Absolutely.

So, knitting has halted for the time being. I have, however, made some progress on my Sockapalooza4 socks.

Trish's RavelryBlog Pictures -  June 25, 2007 001
And the baby blanket that hopefully will be finished by the time baby arrives.

Trish's RavelryBlog Pictures -  June 25, 2007 003
I have been working almost non-stop on these two projects exclusively as I am sure that I will deliver early with this baby (although I have probably just jinxed myself) and I want to ensure that my sock pal gets her socks on time and the baby has something to wrap up in that is snuggly and warm.
However, for the next few days, it appears that all I will be doing is studying. Bah.


carmelclose said...

We'll miss ya but study hard and just remember tonight's the night that I finish sewing all the mitred squares together so if you pop in you'll get to take a peek....

knitting elephant said...

I love the socks and the blankie! This isn't the best forum, but I'm wondering about your Duet sock yarns on Ravelry... I sent you a message there,too... Let me know!

Your knitting is awesome, btw!

Kristy said...

Wow, I love your SockPal socks! Those are such great colors.

Good luck on the exam if you haven't taken it already!

Amanda said...

I'm a procrastinator too. I should be studying for a final that I have in a week from now, but instead I'm surfing knitting blogs.

Your socks & blanket are so beautiful. You have wonderful tastes in colorways. The blanket is made with such comforting colors - but not the typical baby pastels. I love it!